Month: August 2007

  • Facebook adopts years-old technology: woot?

    Dave Winer gushes about Facebook adding a handful of RSS feeds. I’m less enthralled, which is underlined by some of the quotes from commenters he points out: Jeff Sandquist says, “I suspect this will allow me to send my Facebook status updates to Twitter.” Seriously, I think I just threw up a bit in my […]

  • Languages

    Misja has posted about the Elgg language contributions, which are impressive: 49 languages and counting! A big thank you goes to the Elgg open source community. I’ve also been remiss in not giving him a full welcome: Misja Hoebe was the latest addition to the full-time Curverider staff. We’ve been collaborating for a number of […]

  • Curverider attracts investment

    When Dave and I set up Curverider a couple of years ago, the response was lukewarm. Elgg, as an open source product, was supposed to be free, wasn’t it? What was a commercial company doing with it? Did that mean it wasn’t going to be open source any more? Rumours flew round the e-learning blogosphere […]

  • On data sharing

    Over on the DataSharingSummit board on Facebook, which I ironically can’t show you because Facebook doesn’t allow for public data sharing, Marc Canter asked what rights we think end users should have. I replied as follows: I think there’s a serious danger of overthinking the discussion. If we wanted to, there’s enough meat in this […]