Month: November 2005

  • Drink, karaoke, disorder

    In other news, English alcohol licensing laws change today, which means pubs and clubs can open much later (morbidly enough, on the same day George Best is going to die from alcohol abuse). I happen to live three houses down from a drinking establishment of less than shining repute; I’ll be interested to see how […]

  • Integration and interoperability

    Lately – every since the ePlugfest in Cambridge last month, in fact – I’ve been thinking about standards and interoperability between web applications. The ideal is that Elgg, Moodle, Gmail, 43things, Upcoming, Match, your university’s intranet portal, LUSID and Microsoft Outlook can all interact with each other, sharing data and resources as if they’ve known […]

  • SSE

    I think it was Misja who pointed me towards Microsoft’s Simple Sharing Extensions draft. SSE provides a minimal XML data structure to allow better collaboration using RSS and OPML feeds – e.g. using RSS to synchronise events between two calendar systems. This possibly represents a bit of a sea change for Microsoft; not only is […]

  • LinkedIn

    I’m finding myself trapped by a problem that’s often been expressed to me in the past – who can you legitimately call a ‘contact’? On a system like Elgg I’m happy to add anyone I’m interested in, but LinkedIn’s contacts are people you actually know and have interacted with. It always feels a bit pushy […]