Month: May 2005

  • Communities 99.9% there

    You’ve probably seen the news post announcing communities. It’s really exciting, and we’ve been meaning to do this for a really long time, but the logistics – more than any other part of the system – have been daunting to say the least. It’s there now, and I thought some of you might appreciate a […]

  • Communities

    Communities are 3/4 the way there; a little more work tomorrow and the basics will be in place. Currently you cannot create your own community, but feel free to join Elgg Features by clicking the button next to the community name, just as you would add someone to your friends list. The button for communities […]

  • Podcasting in iTunes

    iTunes 4.9 will support podcasting. That probably signals that the technology has gone mainstream. Elgg is, of course, a perfect podcasting platform; upload MP3 files to your file repository, tag them with a common keyword (eg “podcast”) and the RSS feed for that tag is your podcast feed. We’ve tested the system with all major […]

  • Weblog interfaces

    This post partially serves as a test that the new post-to-weblog interface is functioning correctly, and partially as a notification that it exists. It’s part of a bigger whole and – like everything else – in alpha, but you’ll now see a “click here to post to this weblog” link on your public weblog page. […]