Month: April 2006

  • Windows Live @ edu: a step too far?

    I must admit to being appalled at the recent news that 72 colleges have agreed to use Microsoft Windows Live (aka Hotmail) as their main student email service. The only differences are the domains associated with email messages (the service is using the school’s domain) and the lack of advertising. From the article: Although the […]

  • The essence of web 2.0

    The principles of web 2.0 make more sense if you change the order: “Harnessing Collective Intelligence” is the root principle of Web 2.0, and the others make sense to the extent that you understand how they feed into (and draw from) this one. Or, to put it another way, and I apologise for sounding like […]

  • Web 2.1 is finally with us

  • AOL to open up AIM Sounds like they’re adding an API and all kinds of things. Could be interesting – do they see a threat from Gtalk and Jabber?