Month: January 2007

  • Ding dong, DOPA As reported over at the Social Web, the Deleting Online Predators Act has died. It was passed by the House of Representatives last year, but still needed to be passed by the Senate – and wasn’t. Now, because Congress has changed hands, it’d have to start from scratch if it was going to enter […]

  • A new way to use video blogs

    Via my cousin Sarah, I stumbled across this video blog experiment on the writer John Green’s blog. John and his brother have decided that, for the next year, they won’t write to each other; instead they will communicate solely through the medium of videos on the blog (phone calls are also allowed). I haven’t seen […]

  • Whatever happened to learning objects?

    I’ve been in California for almost a month, staying with my parents. My mother is a K-12 science teacher, who is getting to grips with the new technology available at her school: rather than write notes on an overhead projector, she creates Powerpoint presentations (and moans about how boring they are), and her students all […]


    There’s an interesting discussion happening over on Dave Winer’s blog about JSON, a format for storing objects using a Javascript-like syntax. The idea is that parsing a JSON object is far less intensive than parsing XML (whose parsers still have pretty big footprints). It’s an interesting idea, I think, but not everyone agrees. Programmers out […]