Month: April 2011

  • “Basecamp was done almost entirely without risk.”

    I really like this quote from 37 signals: Basecamp was done almost entirely without risk. It was completely self-funded. We treated it as a side-product and a side-project until it could pay the bills. And only then did we make it the main focus of the company. I absolutely hate risk. I think it’s a […]

  • httpID: adding identity to standard HTTP requests

    This is a more technical post than I’ve been writing lately. I’m considering splitting out into two blog channels; let me know if you’d prefer this. This is a request for comments and ideas. Please let me know what you think in the comments. Thanks! One of the advantages of the decentralized social web, as […]

  • Bookstores and serendipity

    Here’s one of my favorite places on Earth: It’s called the Norrington Room. It sits in the basement of Blackwell’s, the oldest bookshop in Oxford (where I grew up), and when it was opened in 1966 it was the largest room full of books for sale in the world. I love bookshops, but I rarely […]

  • Confessions of an entrepreneur’s wife

    This article is long, but worth reading to the end: He came home and lay on the couch for a week, confused and a little lost. With the long overdue luxury of time and hindsight (and bed rest dictated by a bad case of bronchitis), he analyzed the past year’s activity. He believed that the […]