Month: April 2012

  • CISPA: Act now

    The Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act just passed in the House, during a vote that was moved up a day and staged during the NFL draft. It vastly expands the already onerous act into one that allows significant domestic surveillance. As TechDirt notes: Basically this means CISPA can no longer be called a cybersecurity […]

  • Activity streams: not just for the cloud

    At the end of last year, I was asked to contribute my wishlist for Linux on the desktop for an issue of Linux Format magazine. Here’s what I submitted: I want an activity stream for my activity on my local computer, and across my network. When, for example, I make a change to a document, […]

  • Mission: Explore puts the fun back into checking in

    For the past few years, my friend Helen Steer has been working with the Geography Collective on Mission: Explore, a new way to promote exploration and curiosity: Mission:Explore is a game, but not as you know it. There are two aims to the game. One is to collect points and unlock rewards. The other is […]

  • Web, the people

    If there was any doubt that the Internet is radically changing democracy, check this out: Spain’s new political party, the Partido de Internet, is a policy-agnostic political party that makes its decisions based on the will of a community based on Agora, a virtual parliament platform. PDI is a policy-agnostic political party that does not […]