Author: Ben Werdmuller

  • Delicious: not so tasty now

    He’s dead, Dave. Everybody’s dead. Everybody is dead, Dave. It’s the end of the road: Delicious, one of the darlings of the “Web 2.0” movement, is being shelved. The social bookmarking site was famous for its simple interface, which introduced tags and cloud services to the world, not to mention creative use of available domain […]

  • Streamlining my morning routine

    Every morning it goes like this (in this order): Turn on computer. Launch XAMPP; start Apache and MySQL processes. Launch Eclipse. Launch the Chrome offline web apps for Remember the Milk and Gmail. Launch Skype. Open a Chrome tab and launch the Tweetdeck Chrome web app. It’s only just occurred to me, as someone who’s […]

  • The Elgg Foundation

    Curverider, the company I founded with Dave Tosh, has been acquired by Thematic Networks. From their press release: "Many of the tools and communication patterns traditionally found in popular social media are already starting to play a valuable role in the corporate environment; for example for promoting internal and external collaboration, or delivering a more […]

  • Open data in the arts

    I’m in New York this week for a whirlwind series of meetings with Team Latakoo, but I wanted to draw a little attention to the introduction to open data in the arts I wrote over on the festivalslab blog before I got here: Open data sounds like a much more techie concept than it really […]