Author: Ben Werdmuller
Streamlining my morning routine
Every morning it goes like this (in this order): Turn on computer. Launch XAMPP; start Apache and MySQL processes. Launch Eclipse. Launch the Chrome offline web apps for Remember the Milk and Gmail. Launch Skype. Open a Chrome tab and launch the Tweetdeck Chrome web app. It’s only just occurred to me, as someone who’s […]
The Elgg Foundation
Curverider, the company I founded with Dave Tosh, has been acquired by Thematic Networks. From their press release: "Many of the tools and communication patterns traditionally found in popular social media are already starting to play a valuable role in the corporate environment; for example for promoting internal and external collaboration, or delivering a more […]
Open data in the arts
I’m in New York this week for a whirlwind series of meetings with Team Latakoo, but I wanted to draw a little attention to the introduction to open data in the arts I wrote over on the festivalslab blog before I got here: Open data sounds like a much more techie concept than it really […]