Author: Ben Werdmuller

  • Building software for people

    Like most of his posts, Tony Stubblebine’s piece on experiments in software services struck a chord with me: I want to build useful products. I’m glad I know that about myself. Some programmers want to solve hard problems. That’s not a priority for me. Some programmers want the internals of their code to be beautiful. […]

  • I remember

    I’m an American citizen, and I approve this message: Personally, I think there’s only one way to go, but make up your own mind. America, please get out there, read about the candidates, look past the propaganda and the smear campaigns, and make an informed vote today. Project VoteSmart looks like a good place to […]

  • Launch48 Edinburgh: an inspiring start

    I was invited to attend Launch48 Edinburgh as both a speaker and a mentor, and can’t imagine a more inspiring way to spend a weekend. My talk – on creating a startup from scratch with no budget and a two-person team, and the lessons I’ve taken away from that experience – was recorded, and I’ll […]

  • The future we deserve

    Opening the floodgates: […] It would be easy to argue that this change is restricted to post-scarcity items: products that can be encapsulated digitally and copied an infinite number of times. However, this is not the case. In the summer of 2010, the New York State legislature – heavily sponsored by the hotel industry – […]