Author: Ben Werdmuller

  • iBooks is a killer app for ebooks

    If you pay any attention at all to the tech press, you’re probably sick to death of the iPad, Apple’s announced tablet device. I’m posting about it anyway, because there are two things that haven’t been discussed enough, which I think deserve a mention. One: this isn’t a device for the tech community. I think […]

  • Using game dynamics to drive participation

    Going out and checking in I’ve been using Foursquare quite a bit lately (here’s my profile). There’s a lot to be impressed by: not least the level of mobile integration. Foursquare doesn’t make much sense if you’re sitting at your desk, so it’s far easier to see where your friends are and check into a […]

  • Open data at

    The British equivalent to Obama’s opened today. Over at ReadWriteWeb, Marshall Kirkpatrick points out the scale of the ambition involved: At launch, has nearly 3,000 data sets available for developers to build mashups with. The U.S. site,, has less than 1,000 data sets today. […][Unlike the US equivalent, the site] includes 22 […]

  • The death of newspapers, and why it matters

    The Internet has, undeniably, changed our culture. For most of the 20th century, we paid for our news, entertainment, art and literature. We allowed businesses to act as gatekeepers for this content, and accepted that the media landscape would be dictated by decisions made in the boardroom. Publishers, movie studio bosses, broadcasters and record company […]