Author: Ben Werdmuller

  • Reflecting on 2009

    The Christmas period is traditionally when I take a step back and consider what I’m going to do over the next year. For me, it’s a time for family, for quiet reflection and for evaluation. What have I done well? What will I do better next year? During 2009, I left Elgg, the project I’d […]

  • Collecting and cultivating

    As research for a new project I intend to launch, I’ve been using a variety of sharing and bookmarking services to keep track of web resources I’ve found interesting. I think the parallel processes of bookmarking, sharing and publishing can all be improved upon, and the new tool has a simple elevator pitch: share anything, […]

  • Public IT project hell: let’s make government work for us

    Why does it cost $235 million to integrate a few IT systems? Johannes Ernst contrasts the Yahoo/Facebook deep integration announcement with the US government’s announcement that they will spend $235 million on integrating incompatible healthcare IT systems, and asks some pertinent questions: I assume we all agree that an environment in which leading-edge companies innovate […]

  • Microsoft may rule the open web

    Yesterday, I posted some commentary on Tim O’Reilly’s take on the web as an application platform, and agreed that Microsoft championing the open web would be a very smart strategy for them. Previously, I’d talked about the issues with cloud computing at the moment, and how an iPhone App Store approach to web applications would […]