Author: Ben Werdmuller
The war for the Web
Tim O’Reilly has a great piece up on Radar: If you’ve followed my thinking about Web 2.0 from the beginning, you know that I believe we are engaged in a long term project to build an internet operating system. (Check out the program for the first O’Reilly Emerging Technology Conference in 2002 (pdf).) In my […]
Charging for software in the age of web apps
Google was an advertising company. Back in 2005, Daring Fireball’s John Gruber described Google’s business as follows: Judged by their profits, Google is an advertising company. They don’t profit from search, they don’t profit from software. They profit by selling ads. This isn’t to belittle them — I think Google is a terrific company, and […]
Meaningless Battles (and writing in Oxford)
My flash fiction story Meaningless Battles is up on Every Day Fiction: Rain skidded across the window, the smaller drops holding still, helpless in the path of their larger cousins, which sped forth and absorbed everything in their path. The carriage was a wasteland of raindrop-on-raindrop destruction. Alex watched for a moment and then adjusted […]
Net neutrality
Please take five minutes to watch FreeForm’s video about the open Internet, and then share it with as many people as you can: Then, if you’re a US citizen, head over to the Save the Internet Campaign and sign their petition to congress to preserve net neutrality. Also see FreePress’s links on how some telecoms […]