Author: Ben Werdmuller

  • You, me, Edinburgh Techmeetup? It’s a date.

    TechMeetup is a set of monthly technology gatherings in Edinburgh and Glasgow. It feels somehow illicit: the Edinburgh meetup takes place at the top of the Appleton Tower, a famous eyesore in the middle of the Edinburgh University campus. Piles of pizza and free beer are placed on tables, and after 7pm the doors are […]

  • Geolocation in HTML 5 and Javascript

    HTML 5 – as-yet unreleased, but shaping up well – contains a specification for finding the current location of the user. The API, if your browser supports it and you grant the web application access, returns your latitude, longitude, elevation, speed and some other details. (If your web-capable device doesn’t have GPS, these details will […]

  • Microsoft Web Applications 2010 bring the cloud to the enterprise

    In advance of the announcement later today, I Started Something have uncovered videos about the new Microsoft Office suite. Microsoft Office turns to the web As anticipated, Office 2010 includes web-based versions of applications contained in the suite. These don’t have the complete feature set, but are designed so that company employees can create and […]

  • Chrome OS and the web as applications

    It’s not a Google strategy, but they’ve chosen to embrace and extend it: the web is turning into an application platform. Google announced Chrome OS today – an operating system for netbooks, designed to boot up in seconds directly to a browser. Applications run using HTML 5 standards, which include support for offline applications and […]