Author: Ben Werdmuller

  • Synchronize your iPhone with Google Calendar

    This how-to isn’t in the usual remit of this blog, but it solves a problem I’ve had for a while – I can’t use the iPhone’s built-in calendar functionality with Google Calendar – so I thought I’d share. The iPhone 3.0 software update supports CalDAV, an open standard for sharing and updating calendar information. Luckily, […]

  • Assume there’s value

    Tony Stubblebine has written a great post about the lessons he’s learned from Twitter, which was created at Odeo while he was working there. This advice stands out for me: Have you ever looked at a piece of social software and thought, or worse, blogged, that it was worthless? Here’s a trick for evaluating social […]

  • Learning on the social web

    ScienceBlog reports that on Saturday, Carl Whithaus will announce the preliminary results from a California Department of Education study into increasing academic achievement using computers in 4th grade classrooms (emphasis mine): During the first year of the two-year study, student achievement increased 27.5 percent, according to Whithaus, who is principal investigator of a study to […]

  • Opera Unite: divided

    Following on from my post yesterday on Opera’s new web-server-in-a-browser product, Chris Messina has written a pretty scathing, in-depth critique that also happens to be very smart and on the money. The Financial Times Techblog has an equally skeptical post but misses the point a bit. In summary: Opera Unite uses the buzzwords of openness, […]