Author: Ben Werdmuller
WordPress Multi User and ad hoc communities
The emerging news out of WordCamp 2009 in San Francisco is that WordPress and its Multi User cousin are to merge into one product (further discussion). This makes a ton of sense, and makes it even easier to create a community of blogs. I’m looking forward to this – I could keep my main blog […]
Google Wave is exciting and transformative
For almost five years, I’ve had a dream of creating a decentralized social networking system with granular access permissions and a customizable workflow. It would be open source, with an underlying, decentralized open protocol based on XMPP that anyone could build on top of and extend. It would redefine the way we work on the […]
The Open Stack and truly open APIs
The following is an expanded version of the short talk I gave in Oxford yesterday. My original slides follow the transcript. There’s a new kind of web development afoot, which marries old-school object-orientated programming techniques with the distributed power of the web. Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) are published sets of instructions for programmatically querying or […]
Supporting freedom of speech
OutMap is sponsoring BarCamp Transparency by donating a portion of my time to developing the website (for which I’d already provided the copy), as well as providing Twitter walls and projectors on the day. If you’re in the UK and interested in open government, cyber activism or social media ethics, I highly recommend you keep […]