Category: General

  • Patronism and monetizing the social web

    This post is adapted from something I wrote on Google+. There are more comments over there; also see Evan Promodou’s riff on the same idea. Google+’s combination of streams and circles works. So here’s something I’ve been mulling over for a while: I really like Patronism‘s central idea. Rather than buying an album, you subscribe […]

  • Laws, sausages and browser geolocation

    I was emailed a question about the browser geolocation test I wrote a while back, and I thought I’d respond to it here. If you haven’t seen it, go check it out, and come back. If you’re not prepared for it, it’s a creepy little feature. How on earth is browser-based geolocation so accurate? Desktops […]

  • Find me on Google+

    I’ve been posting extensively on Google+ since its launch. Come find me over here!

  • Double-plus Google: finally, a mass market enterprise social network

    I’ll spare you the summary post for Google+; you can get that on TechCrunch, Mashable, the New York Times and in about a thousand other places. It’s a social sharing component that’s directly integrated into Google, enhancing everything they do. It puts privacy front and center using a long-rumored feature called Circles, which in my opinion […]