Month: August 2005

  • Social web browsing

    Flock sounds interesting: a social web browser. Unfortunately it’s on a private beta at the moment, but features apparently include a wysiwyg editor for posting to weblogs [1], built-in social bookmarking a la, and a bunch of other features as this review reveals: But it rocks. Setup was very easy (I tested it with […]

  • Web 3.0

    I posted the following article over on my personal blog but I thought I’d post it here too, because it exactly fits my vision of not only how things are going to go, but also how they should go. That goes for the Web in general and Elgg specifically; when the Web is integrated with […]

  • Technology in schools

    Is technology in schools the future or just a fad? The Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel talks about e-learning. (An aside: when something gets covered in local papers, does that mean it’s hit the mainstream?) A brief read seems to suggest people don’t know what to do with computers once they’re in the classroom, short of running a […]

  • Personal tag clouds

    It isn’t perfect yet, but personal tag clouds are available at: username/tags/ So for example, mine is at and Dave’s is at I’m keeping them unlinked until they’re how I want them (they need to aggregate a user’s content rather than search for content across the network), but I thought I’d announce […]