Month: August 2007

  • Google will be beaten by Facebook

    At an event a couple of years ago, I made the mistake of claiming to an elearning manager that people would one day search for information through social networks rather than flat text search engines like Google. That was pretty much the end of the conversation; he couldn’t believe that this would ever be the […]

  • 1986 Mac Plus vs 2007 AMD DualCore

    This just goes to show: you can add all the features and complexity you want, but they won’t necessarily make the user experience better.

  • Don’t believe the Skype

    So, 24 hours without Skype access later, and I still can’t get on (although apparently some can). This has been an important lesson in single point of failure (which is one of the core reasons I’m always harping on about decentralised services). We use Skype pretty much universally to talk to each other; although alternatives […]

  • OpenID is not the answer

    To everything, at least. OpenID is a fantastic little protocol that lets a user log in with their username from another service. It means you can log into Explode with your AIM screen name; you can also log into Livejournal with your Explode profile URL. The OpenID client site shoots the user’s web browser over […]