Geolocation in HTML 5 and Javascript

HTML 5 – as-yet unreleased, but shaping up well – contains a specification for finding the current location of the user. The API, if your browser supports it and you grant the web application access, returns your latitude, longitude, elevation, speed and some other details. (If your web-capable device doesn’t have GPS, these details will be estimated using your IP address and other factors.)

A couple of weeks ago, I created a page to test this feature. If your browser is geo capable, this will reveal exactly what data about your location is being sent to web applications that ask for it.

If you’re a developer, here’s how I created the page.

Developing for geolocation in Javascript

The following all occurs in a Javascript code block towards the bottom of the page. You could also include this in the jQuery $() function, if you use that framework – the point is that it needs to execute once the page layout has been written to the browser.

Testing for geolocation capability

To test whether the browser has geolocation capabilities, we need to test for the existence of navigator.geolocation:

if (navigator.geolocation) {
	// Execute geolocation code
} else {
	// Execute code for geolocation not available

Getting location data

The actual function to call in order to get the location data is: navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(exportPosition, errorPosition);

Both exportPosition and errorPosition are functions that we must define. The former is called if the location is retrievable; the latter if it isn’t. (You can also omit the second parameter and neglect to have an error handler function.)

The exportPosition function takes one parameter: position. This in turn has a property, coords, which contains all of the major location data:

  • position.coords.latitude: the latitude of the user
  • position.coords.longitude: the longitude of the user
  • position.coords.accuracy: a number representing the accuracy of the latitude and longitude (in metres)
  • position.coords.altitude: the altitude of the user in metres above sea level
  • position.coords.altitudeAccuracy: the accuracy of the above altitude reading, again in metres
  • position.coords.heading: the heading of the user, in degrees clockwise from north
  • position.coords.speed: the speed of the user in metres per second

This can then be fed into the functionality of your choice.

For an example of how this can be used, have a look at the source of my test page. Browsers that are known to support geolocation include:

  • Firefox 3.5
  • Safari in iPhone 3.0

Because geolocation is included in the HTML 5 specification, most browsers will support this soon.





3 responses to “Geolocation in HTML 5 and Javascript”

  1. dan Avatar

    I just tested it from my laptop and it shows me a location 2 miles away from me.
    how accurate this service is? the result i got are far from adequate for any real-life use case..


  2. Adnan Avatar

    Dear Dan, like it shows in the text:
    If your web-capable device doesn’t have GPS, these details will be estimated using your IP address and other factors. An IP address is not accurate.

  3. Jasmeet Avatar

    I just want to display the local city name
    from where the user will open my site with HTML Coding.
    e.g I want to display “city name” + Lock on the Header of my website.
    City name should be the name of the city where the user is currently

    Can I get full HTML code of that so that I could place it directly to my Web Page to get this functionality?

    That will be really helpful! Thanks!

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