Category: Software development

  • Does open source exclude high-context cultures?

    Something to think about for anyone starting any online community: High context cultures value personal relationships over process. You have to know someone before you can trust them and work with them. They also tend to be less explicit and rely more on tone of voice, gestures and even status to communicate. Typically Asian countries […]

  • Bonita: a PHP template manager with lofty ambitions

    I’m fed up of using the same PHP template pattern over and over in my web apps, so I decided to write it from scratch and iterate on some core ideas. And then open source it under an Apache 2.0 license. The result is Bonita: a simple PHP templating engine. It’s definitely version 0.1, but […]

  • httpID: adding identity to standard HTTP requests

    This is a more technical post than I’ve been writing lately. I’m considering splitting out into two blog channels; let me know if you’d prefer this. This is a request for comments and ideas. Please let me know what you think in the comments. Thanks! One of the advantages of the decentralized social web, as […]

  • Onflood

    Friday night was sleepless for me. I couldn’t stop thinking about a simple idea I had, riffing off of Color and some of the technology I’d built for OutMap: What if you could hook messages, photos, files and metadata to a particular location in space, and create an ad-hoc messageboard with this information based on […]