Month: August 2006

  • Taking advantage Call me sensitive, but I think there are lines between information, entertainment and marketing that sometimes shouldn’t be crossed. Allowing users to download clips from a vast archive of video and use them for teaching and learning? Information. Hosting every music video ever made, online? Entertainment. Running realtime coverage of September 11, 2001 five […]

  • Workshop in Klagenfurt

    Dave and I spent a couple of days in Klagenfurt, giving a workshop on Elgg. It was a really positive session; most people hadn’t seen Elgg before, but by the end of the workshop everyone was putting together profiles, uploading files and sharing with each other. I’m delighted to say that the feedback has been […]

  • Nimbuzz: not quite enough Nimbuzz provides more communication power for your mobile buck, but it’s still the wrong approach. It’s definitely a cool service – instant messaging, worldwide SMS for pennies and an integrated messaging system – but it’s never going to become as ubiquitous as it needs to be to really take off. Think of it this […]

  • Elgg and the Blackboard patent

    If you haven’t seen it, Harold Jarche has posted a point-by-point comparison of the Blackboard patent and Elgg’s features. It’s a really good post and should leave you in no doubt about where we stand: Elgg is not covered by the patent and takes a unique approach to learning. Simple as that.