Month: August 2006

  • Why get excited about the social web? This weekend I found myself chatting to a friend over a few beers in Camden, far away from the glow of a computer screen. Outside the pub window, people walked to and from the market, and the many specialist shops along Camden High Street; some had brightly coloured hair, some were wearing a full-on […]

  • The lay of the landscape

    I’ve just posted a message to the development list that might be of interest to more than just developers. Click through to read the full text, but a pertinent quote follows: Since the announcement of the Moodle integration around the launch of 0.6, there’s been some talk about Elgg in terms of a plugin for […]

  • Debunking the Googlearchy: beyond search engine optimisation Ars Technica ran an article yesterday about the so-called Googlearchy: the tendency for search engine rankings to amplify the dominance of already-popular sites and essentially create an aristocracy of web services. This would seem to be a common sense finding, and indeed, weblogs have been shown to adhere to a power law distribution. The […]

  • Edufilter

    Edufilter is a weblog about educational technology; Dave has started it off with an interview with the EdTechTalk guys, with more in the pipeline. If you’ve got an educational project that you’d like to talk about, drop us a line. Together with The Internet is People (web technology) and Nuclear Sledgehammer (web business), this rounds […]