Category: General

  • Mobile 2.0 and XOXO

    On Tuesday (September 11, 2012) I’ll be speaking at Mobile 2.0 in San Francisco, on the Addicted to Mobile panel: Research shows that you look at your phone sixty times a day – more often than a heavy smoker (with a 40 cigarette a day habit) smokes… Mobile can look like an addiction to some. […]

  • It’s not a battle, it’s an adventure

    One of my least favorite tropes is “victory”. I think it’s asinine. You’ve seen it around, I’m sure. Victory as in: Your daily dose of victory! And: Have a victorious day! And even: Lead a victorious life! A victorious life. Wow, that sounds majestic – until you think about what it really means. The definition […]

  • Serializing PHP objects into JSON with JsonSerializable

    JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a handy data interchange format that’s overtaken XML in a very short time for a lot of API use cases – and rightly so. It’s easy to use, bandwidth efficient, and widely supported across platforms and languages. PHP is still one of the most widely-used web scripting languages. It’s perhaps […]

  • Making billions of dollars from the federated social web

    Diaspora was pretty exciting. A Kickstarter campaign that promised it all: a platform created “for everyone to have full control over their data and to empower people in to become responsible, secure, and social Internet dwellers”. They raised over $200,000, which at the time was the largest Kickstarter funding round ever. Neat! Yesterday, Diaspora announced […]